Friday, July 08, 2005

Living in the Country is not necessarily my dream homestead

I dream about living on some land that has neighbors a few miles down the road, so I can have my privacy and a creek near by for good fishing. A good open spot for my square-foot organic gardening. A big red barn and a nice tractor for plowing. A few farm animals. Just the life that is peacefully and full of living. I am living now in middle Georgia and this is not my dream land. Parts of Georgia are wonderful, like in the northern part of the state. I guess you could say my heart is still in the Midwest. When you grow up in Minnesota as I did and parts of the Minnesota and Wisconsin land are in my soul. I am chained to a job that pays the bills but dream of being my own boss. I love the people I work with but working 4-10 hour nights are difficult to say the least and I have almost been at my job for 7 years. My oldest son begs me to up and move near him in Wisconsin. I have told my husband that I have spent 13 years of my life here with him but it is time we all move where my family is. He is slowly coming around but not ready to give up his family. My husband has been sick for 5 years. He has not worked since then. At times It makes me feel resentful. You see he does not share my homesteaders heart. He would be happy to stay here on the 2.3 acres and have all his "junk". I am sick of it and do not know how much more I can take. I keep praying as I am a believer and I know that God hears me. It may be that by next year sometime I will be on my homestead and living my dream. We have no garden this year. The heat of this area burns it all up. I do not have the energy to even put one in as I am so tired from this job. When I am up all night working 9pm to 7 am. I have to force myself to stay awake with allot of coffee and that does not keep me from never getting rested. Today I will wash the kitchen floor. And do more laundry. And atempt to get as much done as I can.


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